So Hurricane Irene is on the way and is expected to reach the U.S. coastline tomorrow.... I cannot help but think about Hurricane HUGO. In 1989 I was 8 years of age and newly relocated from Harlem, NYC to Charleston, SC. At that time I had no idea what a hurricane was or what to expect. I could recall everyone preparing for the storm; stock up on food and water, board up their homes and located means of energy. Luckily for me and my family we did the same, but how can you be prepared for a hurricane???
On September 15, 1989 Hugo hit Charleston, SC; all businesses were closed, schools were shut down early, adults were manic (LOL!) and all of the cities power was shut off soon after. That night, I can recall looking outside and not being able to see the road. The winds began to blow, as the house appeared to swell from the force of the wind; Grandma than said, all we can do is prey. Later that night the storm seemed to be was over my house and woke me up out of my sleep. I can recall hearing the load noise of a freight train as the house continued to rumble. Minutes into the storm the pressure forced a window to burst. Words cannot explain the fear I felt that day.
And due to this childhood traumatic experience, I will always evacuate the premises. Currently researchers are diligently working in attempt to locating ways to alleviate the impact of hurricanes.